A Fly-Fisherman’s Tip To Cure The Biting Gnats

Well…if you have been outdoors, you know that the gnats or no-seeums are on the scene this time of year and can really wreak some havoc with our fly-fishing.

Here’s two things that will help to keep them from ruining your fishing.

  • The first is simple, buy a head net or a hat with a head net to wear. I have one in my float tube at all times. Make sure that what you buy is worth the money and if possible buy a head net with a draw string to keep the gnats and mosquitoes out. It might be a little hot and bothersome….but it will allow you to continue to fish.
  • Second, especially if the bugs are too bad, is one part of vanilla extract and 7 parts water in a spray bottle. You may have heard this before…but I can attest to the past few years, it works. It doesn’t keep them from buzzing you or being in the area…but it will keep them from biting and if you have been eaten on, you will know how bad the day after can be.

So…don’t quit fly fishing or just sit there and take it…mix up a bottle of spray and get to spraying. I swear that the best fishing coincides each year with the time when the biting bugs explode but don’t let them keep you from catching that lunker.

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